AIFA. Update on the shortage of cefodizime-based drugs

AIFA wishes to provide information on the current state of shortage of cefodizime-based drugs.

The medicines in question are:

Therapeutic indications and classification

The drugs, containing the active ingredient cefodizime, belong to the class of antibacterials called cephalosporins and their use is elective and specific in serious bacterial infections of proven or presumed origin from difficult Gram-negatives or from mixed flora with the presence of Gram-negatives resistant to more common antibiotics, particularly in debilitated and/or immunocompromised patients.

What AIFA does to manage the shortage

The Agency has initiated constant dialogue with Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica SpA and with Sanofi SpA to verify the reasons for the unavailability of cefodizime-based drugs. In order to reduce the inconvenience for patients, in consideration of the fact that drugs with the same active ingredient are not authorized in Italy and that other cefodizime-based medicines are not on the market in the EU, AIFA has ordered every possible action in regulatory terms that could be support to marketing authorization holders in the actions to be taken to avoid, or minimize in terms of time, the shortage.

Any further update on the shortage status of cefodizime-based drugs will be promptly made available on the AIFA website, in the "AIFA communications on deficient drugs”.

Information for healthcare professionals

In questa fase si ritiene fondamentale il supporto dei professionisti sanitari per assicurare ai pazienti un’attenta valutazione delle alternative terapeutiche. A tal proposito, Sanofi S.p.A. invierà – in accordo con l’AIFA – una nota informativa a tutti gli operatori sanitari. Si ricorda inoltre che, per i pazienti non in trattamento con tali farmaci, è importante non avviare nuovi cicli terapeutici e che per la modalità di somministrazione possono essere considerate alternative alla cefodizima le altre cefalosporine metossiminiche iniettive (ceftriaxone, ceftazidima, cefotaxima).

Information for patients

The packs of Diezime (AIC n. 027940042) and Modivid (AIC n. 027951033) are used exclusively in hospital settings. The packages of Diezime (AIC n. 027940030), Modivid (AIC n. 027951045) and Timecef (AIC n. 027939038) are classified in level A and distributed through pharmacies open to the public upon presentation of a medical prescription. If you are currently on any of these drugs, talk to your doctor and follow any directions they give you.

For reports and requests for information, the e-mail box is active

Contact details of the pharmaceutical company

For requests for information to be addressed to pharmaceutical companies, you can contact Sanofi SpA on 800.536389 and Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica SpA on 02.48787475.

Published on: 17 December 2019 by AIFA

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L’uso degli antibiotici in Italia – Rapporto nazionale anno 2018


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