
AIFA updates the Transparency Lists

In order to allow the Regions and autonomous Provinces to apply the provisions of art. 9, paragraph 5 of the Law of 8 August 2002, n. 178 the Italian Medicines Agency publishes, pursuant to the AIFA Directorial Determination n. 166 of 10 February 2021 published in the Official Gazette - General Series n. 39, thelist of medicines and related reference prices updated to 17 July 2023 including the expected reduction pursuant to the AIFA determination of July 3, 2006, the further reduction of the 5% pursuant to the AIFA determination of September 27, 2006, article 9, paragraph 1, of Law February 28, 2008 n. 31 (Payback) and paragraph 9 of article 11 of Legislative Decree 78/2010 converted with amendments by Law no. 122 of 30 July 2010

The information is contained in the page "Transparency lists” reachable from the “Related Links” box.

AIFA Published on: 17 July 2023

List by active ingredient

List by business name 

Note: The transparency lists include the equivalent patent-expired drugs, allowing information such as the dosage unit and the package with the lowest (reference) price to be known starting from the trade name or the active ingredient of the drug.

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