AIFA press release. February 15, 2023
In order to allow the Regions and autonomous Provinces to apply the provisions of art. 9, paragraph 5 of the Law of 8 August 2002, n. 178 the Italian Medicines Agency publishes, pursuant to the AIFA Directorial Determination n. 166 of 10 February 2021 published in the Official Gazette - General Series n. 39 and in compliance with the orders of the Council of State n. 583/2023, 596/2023 and 605/2023, theThe list of medicines and their reference prices updated on February 15, 2023 inclusive of the reduction envisaged pursuant to the AIFA determination of 3 July 2006, of the additional
reduction of the 5% pursuant to the AIFA determination of 27 September 2006, of the art. 9 paragraph 1, of the Law of 28 February 2008 n. 31 (Payback) and paragraph 9 of art. 11 of Legislative Decree 78/2010 converted with amendments by the Law of 30 July 2010, n. 122.
The lists are published in compliance with the criteria defined by the AIFA Directorial Decision n. 166/2021 and in compliance with the Sentences of the Council of State n. 5858/2022 and 5863/2022.
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