A plan shared by the Ministry of Health, the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa), the Higher Institute of Health, the Regions and doctors. This was stated by Nello Martini, general manager of Aifa, who spoke at the presentation of the VI Osmed Report, the national Observatory on the use of medicines, this morning at the Higher Institute of Health. “It is essential – explains Martini – that at the center of the qualification of pharmaceutical expenditure are not only policies of containment and cuts, but appropriateness. If the use of drugs is appropriate – he underlines – the expense is certainly justified”. Once the strategy and the objective to be pursued with training and information projects have been defined, a work agenda must now be set by AIFA with the Ministry of Health and the Regions. The VI Osmed Report, continues Martini, "confirms the great coverage of medicines by the NHS: out of 19 billion euros of total expenditure in 2005, more than 70% is covered by the NHS, which guarantees all essential medicines, for severe and chronic and innovative ones. A broad coverage that must also be appropriate”.
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