Historical Archive

The workers of Schering Plow and Roche are at risk




Rome, 11/1/2010: "The behavior of companies that move them to another branch of the company and then close it is irresponsible towards workers". So the Hon. Scilipoti (IdV), in the meeting with the unitary union representatives of the workers of Schering-Plough  and the workers of Roche, in the presence of Avv. Concetta Bosurgi, to develop the most suitable solutions in relation to recent company initiatives in the field of work. In particular, for the workers of Schering-Plough, he discussed the subject of the next meeting  company set for today,  November 11, at the Ministry of Economic Development. At the center of the discussion, with the RSU of Roche workers, is the already formalized sale of the company branch. To protect the rights of the aforementioned workers, the Hon. Scilipoti (IdV) is committed to activating all possible actions for the protection of the category. “We invite the representatives of the Ministry and the representatives of the Company – concludes the Hon. Scilipoti (IdV) – to strive to find all the solutions that give work certainty”.


Dr. Giuseppe Cuschera

Press office

Hon. Dr. Domenico Scilipoti


06 67604225



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