In Basel, the new Novartis Pavillon. Architecture and knowledge meet

The first building on the Novartis Campus that is fully accessible to the public inaugurates an open dialogue with the city

Michele De Lucchi and AMDL CIRCLE sign the first building on the Novartis Campus that is fully accessible to the public, inaugurating an open dialogue with the city

elledecor – 6 giugno 2022 di Ciro Marco Musella

Overlooking the banks of the Reno, a few steps from the research citadel designed by Vittorio Magnano Lampugnani, the new Novartis Pavilion it is the latest architecture that enriches the large campus of the pharmaceutical company, representing a building of modest dimensions, compared to the structures that surround it, but with enormous ambitions.

Designed by Michael DeLucchi And AMDL CIRCLE, the pavilion represents, in fact, the first architecture designed by the pharmaceutical company to be completely open to the city, inaugurating a path of fundamental importance that it involves the community of scientists and researchers together with the city of Basel, and not only.

Conceived as a place of learning, knowledge and exchange of knowledge between employees and the public, the building, given its exceptional nature, required a extraordinary collaboration between experts from different sectors, from architecture to science, passing through engineers, fitters and artists.

The Pavilion, even before being a meeting space, in fact hosts Wonders of Medicine, a unique museum of medicine. The museum itinerary, designed to be fully participatory and developed together with iart for the digital part and ad Atelier Brückner for the scenography, it allows visitors to discover the fragility of the human body and the challenges that researchers face every day.


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