"We believe that the information scientific medicine is one of the pillars of our activity and, for this reason, we devote ample space to the formation of our Information Network"
During the two days of training, the SItI hygienists updated the ISFs of Sanofi Pasteur MSD on the most important topics in the field of vaccines: from the immunological bases to the current vaccination calendars, up to safety and communication issues related to the sector.
07 JUL – Two training days conducted by experts from the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI) and addressed to the Sanofi Pasteur MSD Scientific Information Network; an experimental accreditation course – the first conducted by SItI at a drug company – with the aim of training and updating the scientific reps of Sanofi Pasteur MSD on the main issues relating to vaccines.
“Vaccines and vaccination policies in Italy” is the title of the ongoing initiative concluded at the Italian headquarters of Sanofi Pasteur MSD; an important training moment that the European vaccine manufacturer has specially designed for its scientific representatives, a fundamental link in the chain of transferring the value of products to healthcare professionals. Over the two days, the most important topics in the field of vaccines and vaccination policies were addressed, from the immunological bases of vaccinations to the current national and regional vaccination calendars, and possible future evolutions, with a focus that is more relevant today and necessary, on security and communication issues related to the delicate sector in which the company operates.
“Sanofi Pasteur MSD has always been a partner of the Italian Public Health for the reliability and excellence of its vaccines. With a view to excellence and continuous improvement, we believe that medical and scientific information is one of the pillars of our activity and, for this reason, we devote ample space to the formation of our Scientific Information Network in which this course is placed - he said Marco Ercolani, Medical and Scientific Director of Sanofi Pasteur MSD -. This initiative bears witness to our company's desire to anchor training events to the quality and solidity of the scientific foundations of which companies such as SItI are guarantors".
"The enhancement of human capital, also through moments of advanced training such as the course we have presented, confirms the strong commitment of Sanofi Pasteur MSD in the field of corporate social responsibility - he added Nicoletta Luppi, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi Pasteur MSD Italy -. It is not just a philosophy but a strategic tool that allows us to be competitive starting from professional growth, the continuous updating of knowledge and the constant search for improvement within our organization to achieve success at the same time individual and collective".
"I thank SItI for agreeing to train our people according to the highest quality standards, fully understanding the objectives that we set ourselves as a company (dedicated exclusively to prevention through vaccination) to support the dissemination of a vaccination culture in our country that guarantees scientific and certified information in compliance with the various roles - concluded Luppi -. We want to implement a profound transformation to be built day after day together with our resources, convinced that real remuneration is part of a broader enhancement that places the individual at the center of the company's interests".
07 July 2014 – dailyhealthcare.it
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