Jobs Act: Telecom, workers reject remote control
Workplace Cameras 2015: No Longer Banned with Jobs ACT
If the Employment Delegation law were approved with the same text passed to the Chamber on 25 November last, there would be another great novelty which up until now has gone a bit quietly with respect to the high-sounding article 18, i.e. the consent by the Renzi government to want to introduce the use of cameras or other technological devices in the workplace provided that these remote controls are directed at the machinery and not at the workers, so as to guarantee the employee's privacy.
For the first time, therefore, the cameras, which until now have been used by companies and businesses, only for the purposes of security of the company itself, of the workers and citizens who access the premises owned by the company, from 2015 they can also be installed in private and public offices. A provision that today is unquestionably FORBIDDEN by article 4 of the Workers' Statute and also sanctioned with imprisonment.
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The Delegated Law on Jobs ACT approved (LAW 10 December 2014, n. 183 – OJ no. 290 of 12-15-2014)
7. In order to strengthen the opportunities for those who are looking for work to enter the world of work, as well as to reorganize the employment contracts in force to make them more consistent with the current needs of the employment and production context and to make it more inspection activity is efficient, the Government is empowered to adopt, on the proposal of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, within six months from the date of entry into force of this law, one or more legislative decrees, one of which containing a comprehensive text simplified rules governing contractual types and employment relationships, in compliance with the following principles and directive criteria, in line with European Union regulations and international conventions:
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f) revision of the regulation of remote controls on plants and work tools, taking into account technological evolution and reconciling the production and organizational needs of the company with the protection of the dignity and confidentiality of the worker;