
Calabria. Fedaiisf delegation meeting with the Regional Councilor Comito. Theme: the regional law, approved in April, which defined the establishment of the regional register of the ISF

Both the regulation and the code of ethics have been illustrated, which should fill the law with effective content

On Wednesday 12 cm in the Calabria region, a meeting was held between the group leader at the Forza Italia regional council Hon. Michele Comito and a regional delegation of informants FEDAIIS AIISF represented by Dr. Raffaele Procopio and by Dr. Francesco Ferrari.

After the customary pleasantries, we moved on to the discussion on the regional law, already approved in April, which defined the establishment of the regional register of scientific representatives. After thanking the Honorable Member for the result obtained, we went into detail illustrating both the regulation and the code of ethics which should fill the law itself with effective content.

The Parent Company, complimenting all those present and absent at the meeting who carried out this ambitious project, showed full agreement with the work done.

After the discussion, the meeting moved to the pharmaceutical department of the region. Here the delegation was welcomed by Dr. Borzumati Vittoria, with whom it was intended to highlight all the possible problems arising from the implementation of the law. The Doctor, for her part, showed keen interest in the project by speaking with questions and curiosities.

At the end of the meeting, the regional delegates gave Borzumati and the honorable Comito copies of the regulation and the code of ethics, which, as per practice, will be subject to verification and possible modifications. Once the process has been completed, a new meeting will follow to examine everything and therefore associate the implementing instruments with the already approved law.

Fedaiisf Calabria press release

Related news: Council of Ministers n.38. Green light to the Calabria Regional Law establishing the ISF Register

Calabria. Approved the Regional Law establishing the Register of Scientific Representatives

Calabria. The regional law on Scientific Representatives prodromal to the establishment of a National Professional Register


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Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco