
COVID-19. The Ministry's circular brings the isolation of positives from 7 days to 5

1 September 2022 – After the opinion issued on 24 August by the Superior Health Council yesterday, the Ministry of Health issued the Circular that brings from 7 to 5 days the period of isolation of positives from Covid-19.

In any case, a negative test will remain necessary to exit the isolation and, in the case of persistent positivity, the isolation can be interrupted at the end of the 14thor day from the first positive swab (instead of 21) regardless of the test.

“For cases that have always been asymptomatic or were initially symptomatic but have been asymptomatic for at least 2 days, isolation may end after 5 days, provided that a negative antigenic or molecular test is carried out at the end of the isolation period.

For close contacts in the event of Sars-CoV-2 infection, the measures contained in Circular no. 19680 of 03/30/2022 "New ways of managing cases and close contacts in the event of COVID-19".

Last week's Covid updates according to GIMBE recorded a decrease in cases (from 177,877 to 149,701) and a decrease in hospital admissions (-951 beds in the medical area, -28 in intensive care) and deaths (574). But, warns GIMBE, "these numbers are destined to increase with the resumption of work activities, the reopening of schools, the greater attendance of closed places, the forfeiture of the obligation to wear a mask on public transport from 30 September and now with the reduction of the isolation period for the positives".

There was no shortage of critical voices.

“In this still fragile epidemiological situation, albeit with clear improvements, and with a view to September-October, talking today about reducing the quarantine for asymptomatic Covid positives does not seem like a great idea to me. I also understand the need to find solutions based on the vote of 25 September, but that of reducing isolation is the most dangerous". He underlines this to Adnkronos Salute Massimo Andreoni, head of infectious disease at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit), siding against a possible revision of the duration of isolation for asymptomatic positives.

The Ministerial Circular dated 31.8.2022

Circular no. 19680 of 03.30.2022


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