Inclusive bargaining between Unions and Angelini Pharma. Femca Cisl marche: "an important result in terms of civil rights"
Femca CISL Marche press release - 26 July 2022
Paid leaves of up to 11 days in the event of the birth or adoption of a daughter or son by a civilly united couple, for all employees of Angelini Pharma, a pharmaceutical company in Ancona. This is what was decided in the agreement signed on 21 July between the company and the unitary union representatives. This is an adaptation, strongly desired by the company unions, to what was already foreseen in the renewal of the company supplementary plan of 14 December 2020, which provided for civilly united couples with children, up to a maximum of eight days of paid leave, which from 21 July 2022 they rise to eleven, to be used continuously and within the month of the newborn's life or within a month of the adoptee entering the family
«In the absence of a law, we have signed an agreement with the company management which recognizes at least 11 days of paid leave to all civilly united couples and without distinction of gender, in the event of the birth or adoption of a child. - explains Lorenzo Grattini, RSU FEMCA CISL Marche Angelini Pharma – This represents an important step towards inclusion and respect for all, a small but great achievement in terms of civil rights. – underlines and concludes Grattini – This is why we are very satisfied, the result of joint work with the Company and the other trade unions, whom we thank for their availability and sensitivity."
«An agreement that makes us proud because we have given concrete answers to people's needs. – he comments the Secretary General FEMCA CISL MARCHE, Piero Francia – Our commitment continues in the many company negotiations so that this result is also implemented in the other working realities of the Marche region in the energy, fashion and pharmaceutical chemical sectors.»
Minutes of the meeting for the extension of paid leave
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