
Ten years of unit dose drugs: the experience at the Forlì hospital

In practice, a bag is prepared, labeled with name and surname, department and hospital identification code, containing all the medicines that the patient must take during the day

10 December 2014 – ForlìToday

Ten years of unit dose drugs: the experience of the Forlì hospital. Discussions between professionals on 16 December in the Pieratelli Room of the Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital. Since May 2004, coinciding with the start of activities in the new hospital, the «unitary dose project» has been active in the Forlì local health authority. Since then, hundreds of delegations of doctors and pharmacists from all over the world have arrived at the "Morgagni-Pierantoni" hospital to understand this type of innovative path which does not end with the futuristic "Pillpick" robot, but which involves all hospital processes.

In practice, a bag is prepared, labeled with name and surname, department and hospital identification code, containing all the medicines that the patient must take during the day, with indications on how to take them. This allows for continuous verification by the pharmacist of the prescribed dosages and a double check on the prescription, as well as the impossibility of exchanging medicines in the ward.


2.00 pm registration of participants

2.30 pm Opening session: Maria Grazia Stagni

2.45 pm Presentation and introduction to the training event Vicini Claudio, Ricci Enrico

15.00 Unit Dose as a tool for the safety of pharmacological therapies Vetri Elena, Grementieri Patrizia

15.30 Prescription of medicines in unit doses: comparison between Clinicians Cancellieri Claudio, Bettini Dario

16.00 Administration of medicines in unit doses: role of the nursing staff Troiano Aldo, Nocciolini Sandra

16.30 Preparation of pharmacological therapies in unit doses: role of the Hospital Pharmacy Cocquio Teresa , Pieraccini Fabio

17.00 Informative aspects of the Sistu Silena unit dose system

17.30 The unit dose system: how and why in a business economic perspective Villa Stefano

18.00 Conclusions and completion of the learning test

Speakers: Bettini Dario, Director of Endocrine Surgery Unit Cancellieri Claudio, Director of Infectious Diseases Unit Teresa Cocquio, Pharmacist Director of Pharmaceutical Assistance Unit Grementieri Patrizia, Risk Management Program Nocciolini Sandra, Nursing Coordinator of Orthopedics-Traumatology Unit Pieraccini Fabio, Director of Pharmaceutical Assistance Unit Ricci Enrico , Director of the Department of Specialized Medicine Sistu Silena, Director of SITIC Stagni Maria Grazia, Coordination of the Medical Departments of the Troiano Aldo Unit, Nurse of the Gastroenterology Unit Vetri Elena, Medical Director of the Health Department Vicini Claudio, Director of the Department of Specialized Surgery Villa Stefano, Researcher in Business Economics, Catholic University faculty in economics (Rome branch)

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