
Signed the decree that allows the use of medicines for human use also on animals

It will be possible to treat pets with savings of up to 90 percent for some pathologies.

40 percent of Italian families own pets. With the decree that I have just signed, it will be possible to treat these animals with savings of up to 90% for some pathologies. This measure is part of the One Health approach which holds together our well-being, that of the animals and that of the environment.

Robert Hope

Animals can be treated with medicines for human use: Speranza has signed the decree

Medicines for human use may also be prescribed for animals, if they are based on the same active ingredient as the veterinary product. This novelty on the prescription of medicines for animals is introduced by the implementing decree signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza.

fanpage – April 14, 2021

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed the implementing decree which allows the use of human drugs for veterinary purposes. With the signing of the decree, therefore, the possibility of prescribing medicines for human use for animals, if based on the same active ingredient as the veterinary product, is envisaged, on the basis of the principle of economic convenience. The associations engaged in this battle for years are rejoicing, such as Lav who speaks of a "conquest in favor of millions of animals, about 15 million considering only dogs and cats, and their families who, thanks to the will of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will finally be able to save on the sometimes disproportionate costs of veterinary drugs".

Ilaria Innocenti, Lav manager of the family animals area, explains that "if the dog or cat has gastritis, it will be possible to save 20 euros for each pack, while for a chronic pathology such as heart disease, it will be possible to save 334 euros a year (for a 20 kg dog) and as much as 524 euros if it also needs a diuretic. And if your problem is atopic dermatitis, you could save as much as 432.44 euros for a cycle of therapy. Savings can also be made if the dog suffers from idiopathic epilepsy, considering how therapy with a human drug that contains the same active ingredient as the veterinary one can cost an average of 135 euros less per year. And if the 5 kg cat suffers from hyperthyroidism, the annual savings will be 138 euros”.

The deputy of the Democratic Party, Patrizia Prestipino, thanks Minister Speranza "for the sensitivity and speed with which she signed the implementing decree to my amendment included in the last financial maneuver which introduces an additional article (article 10-bis) to the Community Code of Veterinary Medicines. The law provides that the Ministry of Health defines 'the cases in which the veterinarian can prescribe a medicinal product for human use for the treatment of animals not intended for food production, provided that it has the same active ingredient as the veterinary medicinal product envisaged for the treatment of the disease, where there is economic convenience'. This is a real revolution in the veterinary field because it will positively affect the economies of many Italian families. All obtained at no cost and will save the State in veterinary spending for kennels, animal welfare associations and the millions of adults and children who, also thanks to their 'pets' have faced both the lockdown and the pandemic in a better way".


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