
Parliamentary Day on 1 February 2021

Parliamentary Day on 1 February 2021

Fico convenes the table on the program but the knots remain. Conte still in the balance

The confrontation goes on, but the knots, political and otherwise, all remain to be resolved. The representatives of the groups who said they were ready to give life to a new political government starting from the perimeter of the majority that has so far supported the Count two, they were summoned by Robert Fig this morning, starting at 9.30. At the end of the first round of consultations, the explorer registered a "common willingness" to go ahead with the discussion to reach "a synthesis", but, the Sherpas admit, "the obstacles will come in the next few hours, when we will talk about program and topics”. The group leaders will meet today in Montecitorio, while the contacts between the leaders and the "officers in the field" remain under the radar, while the reaching of the agreement will evidently depend on the picture that the Speaker of the Chamber, by tomorrow, will have to present to Sergio Mattarella. The stock exchange of the crisis, according to well-informed people, sees the prices of a constantly evolving Count Ter or of a institutional government (the names in pole remain those of Mario Draghi, Martha Cartabia or Carlo Cottarelli): “We are 50 and 50”, filters from the Italia Viva headquarters, while the dem and pentastellati remain more optimistic for a reappointment to the outgoing premier. Of course, awareness of the difficulties is common: "Without an overall agreement we go little far" is the refrain.

Matthew Renzi reiterates the conditions: for the leader of IV, “a written document is needed. Punctual. With all the things we want to do inside”; after what happened, he makes it clear, "we will not accept to emerge from this crisis without a solemn, written commitment on the contents". It is here that the distances remain and appear difficult to fill: Iv asks for discontinuity on the Recovery plan, justice, school and the vaccine plan and is willing to give up the "take it or leave it" on the month; the themes, evidently, correspond to the names. Robert Gualtieri, after being armored by the Democratic Party, is also reconfirmed to the Mef by the president of Confindustria Charles Bonomi, making Renzi's aims on via XX Settembre more complicated. Easier, it is reported, could be the discussion regarding justice and the knot to untie concerns the prescription. Even the Democratic Party is pressing to reform the institution that governs the duration of trials and, if Renzi's goal is the justice Alfonso Bonafede, for the dem it's all a matter of "political intelligence". At the moment, is the reasoning, "totems are not needed and a small step backwards on the prescription would be enough to take many forwards, for example on the reform of civil and criminal trials", without necessarily changing the tenant in via Arenula .

Also on school, as well as on the vaccination campaign, the Renzian battle is tough. To dance, at least in the strategy of who leads the attack, are the armchairs of Lucia Azzolina And Dominic Arcuriheld primarily responsible. How much will the M5S be willing to give up? Joseph Conte would you agree to review the vaccination campaign? Another boulder on the table that will meet today is that of reforms: Pd, M5S and the small centrist parties are asking to go ahead with the approval of a electoral law proportional in nature. Renzi, after speaking with Fico, did not express himself on the matter, but for Iv the ok to the requests of the allies should have as a counterpart the inclusion in the negotiation of the review of perfect bicameralism and of Title V reform.

In the Senate

Due to the opening of the Government crisis, today and throughout the rest of the week theSenate assembly it will not meet and will be convened at home. As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs will discuss and hold various hearings on the decree containing further urgent provisions on the containment and prevention of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 and on the holding of elections for the year 2021. The Balance, in meeting with the EU policies, will review the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. There Finances, jointly with the respective Chamber, will hold various hearings as part of the fact-finding investigation on the Irpef reform.

There Instruction, with the Healthcare, will hold hearings on the deal assigned on the impact of integrated digital teaching (DDI) on learning processes and on the psychophysical well-being of students. There Agriculture will hold some hearings on the deal on issues related to climate change with particular reference to their impact on the agricultural sector. There Industry will listen to the representatives of Terna and Federconsumatori on the deal assigned on the rationalisation, transparency and cost structure of the electricity market and effects on the bill for users. There Health will hold hearings on the subject of anti-Covid-19 vaccines and some on the assigned deal relating to the strengthening and redevelopment of territorial medicine in the post-Covid era.

To the Chamber

Due to the opening of the Government crisis, today and throughout the rest of the week theChamber of the Chamber it will not meet and will be convened at home. As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs, with the Balance, will examine the so-called decree extension of terms. With the Transportationit will discuss the draft decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on notifications of incidents having an impact on networks, information systems and information services. There Justice, with the Social Affairs, will request an extension of the deadline for the conclusion of the work of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the events that occurred in the "Il Forteto" community. There Foreign will discuss the fact-finding survey on Italy's international action for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the effectiveness of the national regulatory framework and the Italian cooperation system.

There Balance will hold hearings on Proposal for a National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Specifically today he will listen to the representatives of the Centro Studi Regione Mezzogiorno, of the Tortuga Association, of Sbilanciamoci, of the Minima Moralia Association, of Agrinsieme, of Coldiretti and the President of the steering committee of AGID Agency for digital Italy. With the'Environment and the Productive activities on the same issue he will listen to the representatives of Utilitalia while with the Productive activities those of Confimprese and Confapi. On Tuesday and still on the Recovery plan he will listen, with the Social Affairs, representatives of the Inequalities and Diversity Forum, Save the Children, the National Youth Council (CNG), the InGenere magazine, Ladynomics and the Association Il Mean Mean; with the Transportation those of the Italian Ports Association. In terms of resilience, Thursday with the Transportation will listen to the representatives of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), with theEnvironment the Extraordinary Commissioner for the reconstruction of the 2016 earthquake Giovanni Legnini and representatives of the Regions of Central Italy affected by the 2016 earthquake, of Anas, ANCE, Re Mind Filiera Immobiliare, Confedilizia and Alleanza Italiana Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASVISS). The other Commissions will also hold several hearings on the recovery plan.

There Culture, with the Work, will examine the draft legislative decree for the reorganization and reform of the provisions concerning professional and amateur sports bodies as well as sports work, while with the Environment the discussion and the cycle of hearings will continue on the draft legislative decree on the reorganization and reform of the safety regulations for the construction and operation of sports facilities and on the legislation on the modernization or construction of sports facilities. There Environment with the Transportation the hearings on the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers for the identification of infrastructural interventions will continue. There Transportation will examine the outline of the business plan of the company Italy Air Transport Spa. There Work it will examine the resolution for the application of the legislation on fixed-term contracts introduced by the so-called Dignity decree. Finally the EU policies, together with Esteri, will discuss the request to extend the deadline for the fact-finding investigation relating to the Brexit negotiations and the related impact for Italy.

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