Parliamentary Day on 14 December 2020
The Senate Hall
L'Senate assembly will meet again today at 16.30 to examine the votes on decree for the protection of health and economic support measures related to the COVID emergency, the so-called refreshment decree, which also includes the subsequent bis, ter and quater decrees which have merged into the provision through amendments by the Government. Following could look into the so-called security decree passed last week by the House.
The Senate Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs, in meeting with the Justice, will examine the decree on immigration, international and complementary protection, as well as measures regarding the prohibition of access to public establishments and places of public detention, the fight against the distorted use of the web and the regulation of the National Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of their personal liberty. There Justice it will examine the bill on the suspension of the terms relating to obligations to be paid by the freelancer in the event of illness or accident. ThereDefence the cycle of hearings on the assigned deal relating to the profiles of cyber security pertaining to national defense will continue. There Financeswill examine the draft ministerial decree for the adoption of the regulation containing access requirements, conditions, criteria and methods of interventions of the Dedicated Assets and the draft legislative decree on the prospectus for the public offer or admission to trading of securities on a regulated market and money market funds.
There Instruction, in meeting with the Work, will examine the outline of the legislative decree regarding the reorganization and reform of the safety regulations for the construction and operation of sports facilities and of the legislation on the modernization or construction of sports facilities; it will then hold some hearings on the draft legislative decree for the reorganization and reform of the provisions on the subject of professional and amateur sports bodies as well as sports work. There Public Works, today at 14.00 and jointly with the Transport of the Chamber, will listen to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paula DeMicheli on the draft program contract between MIT, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the Euralpin Lyon-Turin Tunnel (TELT). Followed by the Industry, will examine the draft decree of the President of the Council of Ministers containing regulations for the identification of strategically important assets in the energy, transport and communications sectors. Finally, he will listen to the President Francesco Caio, and the managing director Fabio Lazzerini of Italia Trasporto Aereo on the preparation of the company's industrial plan.
There Agriculture He will examine the scheme of ministerial decree for the allocation of the allocation of the Mipaaf for the year 2020, relating to contributions to bodies, institutes, associations, foundations and other bodies, the scheme of legislative decree for the production and marketing of multiplication materials and fruit plants and vegetables, that for the protection of plants from harmful bodies, that for production for marketing and marketing of semiors for the production and marketing of the multiplication materials of the screw. There Productive activities it will carry out several hearings in the context of the assigned deal on the support and promotion systems of tourist services and the production chains associated with the valorisation of the territory. There Work will discuss the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on adequate minimum wages in the European Union. There Healthcare the cycle of hearings on the deal assigned for the strengthening and redevelopment of territorial medicine in the post-Covid era will continue. There Territory will discuss the framework Community act for the achievement of climate neutrality. There EU policies will hold several hearings on the European acts relating to the single European sky and will listen to the German Ambassador in Italy HE Viktor Elbling on the results of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The House Chamber
L'Hall of the Chamber will meet again on Thursday at 9.30 for the discussion of the motion on initiatives for the care and support of patients affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SLA) and related families, and of the motion on initiatives for a large program of investments and measures in the health sector in relation to the emergency from COVID-19. The exam should begin on Friday budget law.
House Committees
As regards the Commissions, the Constitutional affairs it will hold several hearings on the pdl for the coordination of integrated policies for security and local police and some on the pdl on the dissolution of the councils of local bodies resulting from phenomena of infiltration and mafia-type conditioning. There Justice it will hold various hearings on the pdl for access to the legal profession and some on the pdl relating to the illicit production, trafficking and possession of narcotic or psychotropic substances in minor cases. The cycle of hearings on access to the legal profession will continue and to follow the cycle of hearings on the pdl of delegation to the Government for the reform of the judicial system and for the adaptation of the military judicial system, as well as provisions on legal, organizational and disciplinary matters, on the eligibility and redeployment of Magistrates and on the constitution and functioning of the Superior Council of the Judiciary. With the Foreign will listen to the representatives of the non-governmental organization Doctors against forced organ harvesting (DAFOH) and the Director of Information Society – Fight against Crime at the General Secretariat of the Council of Europe, Jan Kleijssen on the ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs, done in Santiago de Compostela on 25 March 2015.
The commissions Foreign, with the EU policies, will listen to the German Ambassador in Italy HE Viktor Elbling on the results of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. There Defence it will discuss the bills for the deferment of the reduction of personnel numbers of the military personnel of the Armed Forces and of the civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defence. From 10.00, the Budget Commission the examination of the amendments that have been presented to the budget law will continue. There Finances will listen to the Chief Executive Officer of Borsa Italiana SpA, Raffaele Jerusalm in the context of the fact-finding survey on the financial markets at the service of economic growth. With the Productive activities it will discuss the outline of the ministerial decree containing the regulation on the subject of access requirements, conditions, criteria and modalities of the interventions of the Dedicated Heritage.
There Culture will hold hearings on the recruitment and legal status of researchers from universities and research bodies, as well as doctorates and research grants and some on the draft legislative decree on the reorganization and reform of the safety standards for the construction and operation of sports facilities and on the legislation on the modernization or construction of sports facilities and on the draft legislative decree on the reorganization and reform of the provisions on professional and amateur sports bodies as well as sports work. There Environment will hold various hearings on the fight against hydrogeological instability also in the light of the effects caused by recent meteorological events in the northern regions and will listen to the representatives of the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI) in the context of the examination of the bill for the adoption of strategic intervention programs for the construction of works of public interest. With the Transportation will hold various hearings on the maintenance and safety of the Ligurian motorway infrastructures and will subsequently listen to Massimo Simonini, CEO of Anas, on the initiatives concerning the road section of the Colle di Tenda in the light of the serious damage suffered by the infrastructure following the recent adverse atmospheric events; it will then examine the resolution to improve the competitiveness of port systems, also through the simplification of the dredging discipline.
There Transportation the cycle of hearings on the pdl for the amendment to the Highway Code will continue and some on the draft program contract between MIT, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the Euralpin Lyon-Turin Tunnel (TELT), for the financing, design and construction of the cross-border section of the common part of the new railway line. With the'Environment will examine the resolution to improve the competitiveness of the port systems, also through the simplification of the discipline of dredging. With the Productive activities will discuss the draft decree of the President of the Council of Ministers for the identification of strategically important assets in the energy, transport and communications sectors and the draft decree of the President of the Republic for the establishment and functioning of the public register of the contractors who oppose the use of their personal data and their telephone number for sales or commercial promotions. There Productive activities, with the Work, will hold hearings on the industrial and employment prospects of the former ILVA iron and steel plants and will then examine the outline of the ministerial decree on the methods and criteria for an informed entry of end customers into the energy market. There Work will examine the pdl on the provisions on work, employment and increased productivity, and the resolutions on social protection systems for workers; will listen to the representatives of USB, CUB, COBAS and SGB in the context of the examination of the bill on early retirement for workers of construction and similar companies, and those of Assocontact in the context of the discussion of the resolution on the application of the legislation on fixed-term contracts introduced by the so-called dignity decree.
There Social Affairs it will examine the decree to deal with the health risks associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, it will hold hearings on the pdl for the experimental introduction of the health budget method for the implementation of individualized therapeutic rehabilitation projects and it will examine the resolutions to counter the social repercussions of the epidemiological emergency. There Agriculture he will continue the hearings on the pdl on the subject of horse farming, he will examine the draft ministerial decree for the allocation of the Mipaaf allocation for the year 2020, relating to contributions to bodies, institutes, associations, foundations and other bodies, and the pdl to favor restoration, recovery, maintenance and protection of chestnut groves. Finally, the EU policies will examine the European delegation law.