Monday, October 6, 2014 - Reuters
ROME, October 6 (Reuters) - A meeting between the government and managers of some of the main pharmaceutical companies in Italy is taking place today in the Sala Verde of Palazzo Chigi to discuss the issue of employment.
This was announced by a government source.
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, with ministers Pier Carlo Padoan (Economy), Beatrice Lorenzin (Health), Federica Guidi (Development), Maria Elena Boschi (Reforms), undersecretary Luca Lotti and economic advisers Marco Simoni and Marco Fortis, meet John Lechleiter And Eric Baclet (Ely Lilly), Belen Garijo and Antonio Messina (Merck Serono), Andrew Witty And Daniel Finocchiaro (GlaxoSmithKline ), Joseph Jimenez And Georg Schroeckenfuchs (Novartis NOVN.VX>), Christoph Franz and Maurizio de Cicco (Roche), Joaquin Duato And Massimo Scaccabarozzi (Johnson and Johnson ), Olivier Brandicourt and Giovanni Fenu (Bayer), Alberto Chiesi (Chiesi pharmaceuticals), Lucia Aleotti (Menarini), Lambert Andreotti And Robert Tascione (Bristol-Myers Squibb).
Work: Farmindustria, Renzi determined, we are ready to lend a hand
Ed.: the words of the President of Farmindustria sound like a mockery of those 13,400 ISFs who have been fired in the last 7 years in the presence of significant increases in turnover, indeed with an increase, in the same period, of 63% in exports (unequaled in Italy). Is it possible that he doesn't have a minimum of shame in saying these things!
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