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Letter to the general practitioners of the Romagna AUSL. Out of the ISF from the clinics!

We report the letter sent to GPs and PLS by AUSL Romagna on the regional directives of Emilia-Romagna on scientific information

April 19, 2017

  • To general practitioners
  • To the pediatricians of Free Choice
  • Local health authority of Romagna
  • and pc To the Heads of the Primary Care Department
  • Local health authority of Romagna

Subject: Guidelines and directives on scientific information on drugs in the context of the national health service

It should be remembered that with Resolution 2428 of 12.21.2016 the Regional Council established a directive on the subject of scientific information on drugs in Emilia Romagna in force from 1 May 2017.

In particular, we remind you that pharmaceutical sales reps, for their activity at GPs and PLS, must exhibit the pe

own regional identification card together with which the exhibition of a valid identification document can always be requested.

The activity of scientific informants at GPs and PLS must take place at the times established by the doctor himself. This timetable cannot, under any circumstances, overlap with the opening of the study to patients and must be communicated to the AUSL by e-mail:

In order to allow the correct conduct of the meetings, in the affiliated medical offices, signs must also be affixed indicating the times and methods of receiving pharmaceutical scientific representatives.

The placards must bear the following wording: "Scientific information activities on the drug are not permitted during patient visiting hours".

Best regards

Pier Domenico Lonzi

Director of the Juridical-Economic Management Unit for affiliates

Via Oberdan 11 – 47121 Forlì (FC)

Related news: Emilia-Romagna.dgr-2309-2016

Galeazzo Bignami. Written question - Original text

Lega Nord request for convocation and hearing of Ass Venturi and union initials on DGR 2309 2016.pdf

Fimmg Emilia-Romagna. Police resolution on scientific information. Study activities don't change!

Fimmg. Reflections on regional resolution 2309/2016

For Cardinali (Filctem) the Emilia-Romagna ISF Regulation is unacceptable

Surprisingly, the Emilia-Romagna Region issues the "Regulation on scientific information activities". The Region makes the Register of ISF

 Regional Laws and Regulations

ANAC. Guidelines Code of Conduct SSN.  (page 10, bottom of page)

Risultati immagini per grida manzonianeNote: Director Lonzi, perhaps seized by delusions of grandeur, speaks of "Guidelines and directives on the subject of scientific information on drugs in the context of the health service national“. We don't know what power it has, certainly at a national level it is null. The Decree of the Regional Council also speaks of scientific information on medical devices, which Lonzi's memorandum does not mention. Furthermore, we must assume that the representatives of nutraceuticals, dermocosmetics, baby milk or mineral water sellers have free access to the clinics, even during visiting hours. When ignorance makes useless rules…

With an email to all members, FIMMG Romagna replies:

The document in question it has no value for non-employee doctors but freelancers with a relationship with the NHS regulated by a national convention.

Reports with scientific representatives of the drug will therefore continue to be received by each GP according to the method most pleasing to him, in compliance with the ACN.

Best regards

The FIMMG coordinator for Romagna

dr. Marco Ragazzini

Redazione Fedaiisf

Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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