
AIFA. Appointment Melazzini, M5S attacks: "Choice of subdivision, not transparency"

Risultati immagini per melazzini aifaRome, 20 October – That of the M5S deputies of the Chamber's Social Affairs Commission is, at least so far, the only voice that decisively emerges from the chorus of consensus that greeted the appointment of Melazzini as new DG of the national regulatory agency.

In the opinion of the pentastellati parliamentarians, in fact, with the appointment of the Lombard doctor as successor of Luke Pani, the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin would have done nothing but confirm "move according to logics that have little to do with the right to health and a lot with division and subdivision".

Accusation that the Grillini MPs motivate in a note: "We recall that, by chance, Melazzini is a party mate of the Minister of Health, to whom we had long proposed selecting the new AIFA CEO through a public competition. Lorenzin instead decided to proceed differently, by direct assignment, confirming that these parties and these politicians do not know what to do with transparency".

"The minister brings a piece of great importance to his party" concludes the note from the M5S deputies. “A blatant subdivision, perhaps accentuated and accelerated by the possible victory of the no to the Referendum which, for them, would represent the end of the party and the division of a 30 billion euro cake".

RIFday October 20, 2016 – Ref Day

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