For the 60% in the last 10 years waste and malfeasance in healthcare have increased. Almost 60% of the interviewees answered that they "are concerned about the decree on prescriptive appropriateness wanted by Minister Lorenzin to limit the exams most at risk of waste"
Posted on: 11/24/2015 . adncheers kronos
It is bureaucracy, useless exams and dishonesty that choke the National Health Service and burn resources and public funds that could instead be allocated to patient care and treatment. The 82% of doctors has had direct experience of these situations of waste in healthcare and for the 60% in the last 10 years waste and dishonesty in healthcare have increased. This is the picture that emerges from the survey promoted by Adnkronos Salute, in September-October, among doctors and pharmacists enrolled in Doctor's Life (Sky channel 440).
1,849 subjects answered the 5 questions concerning waste in healthcare, 95% doctors (1,757) of which 74% men. The most representative regions were Lombardy (226), Campania (205), Sicily (160) and Puglia (116). In the ranking of waste in the ward - according to the interviewees - there are useless exams (34,21%), bureaucracy (26,97%), dishonesty (23,64%), lack of preparation of managers (15,18%). While on the measures to combat waste, the sample interviewed is divided: according to 48.6% of the doctors questioned, initiatives such as the spending review and standard costs can "help to combat the phenomenon". Opposite view for 33,8% which underlines how "they are not needed", 17,5% is instead undecided and answered with "I don't know".
"Since the doctors themselves tell us the things that are wrong - Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin told Adnkronos Salute - we must work together with them to defeat inappropriateness, because the more appropriate we are, the more we give adequate care to our patients and free at the same time resources that serve 'like bread' to the National Health Service”.
A dam against useless exams should have been the decree on prescriptive appropriateness wanted by Minister Lorenzin to limit the exams most at risk of waste, with a 'black list' of 202 services and the possibility of sanctioning white coats that do not meet the criteria and the conditions of eligibility. Nearly 60% of respondents answered that they "are concerned about these measures". And in fact, the announcement of the measure last summer had immediately generated an outcry from the trade unions. According to what Adnkronos Salute learns, the text could go to the State-Regions Conference on November 26 if some changes to the technical annexes, requested by the Regions, are accepted by the ministry. An institutional 'ping-pong' that could arrive at a solution close to the national strike of doctors on December 16th.
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