Recently in Pescara informants were asked not to enter the studio with active electronic devices that could record or display data even without the knowledge of the representative himself.
Saturday, October 17, 2015 – Doctor33
Family doctors and scientific representatives at loggerheads in England: two thirds of "general practitioners" would no longer receive representatives of the pharmaceutical industries and 40 out of a hundred would have a negative perception of the industry. It is not the usual prejudices: of course, for the 56% of those who refuse contact, the drug manufacturer is always linked to profit.
However, "big pharma" is accused above all of not understanding the needs of family doctors and how they work (20% of the sample of 551 doctors interviewed in the Binley company survey) and of not understanding how and how much the category is pressured by budget measures (17% of respondents). A situation that may apply to Italy.
Recently in Pescara informants were asked not to enter the studio with active electronic devices that could record or display data even without the knowledge of the representative himself.
(… continue on Doctor33 of 17 October 2015)
Related news: Survey finds many GPs feel misunderstood by pharma – Industry must find new ways to build relationships with time-pressed GPs
SNAMI Abruzzo notice for scientific representatives
USA. It is increasingly difficult for ISFs to meet doctors.
Snami Abruzzo: Mmg spied on by tablets and iphones, informers turn them off
SNAMI Abruzzo prohibits the use of tablets and smartphones for ISFs