
VAT Numbers Minimum taxes, but bureaucracy remains maximum

The opinions of Acta and Colap after the promised tax reduction. The return of the ceiling to 30,000 euros and the concessions for young people are appreciated. However, the tax crisis continues


Taxation for young professionals is once again at the center of the political debate. The recent announcement of a revision of the minimum regime (which had been so criticized in its first version) reopens a dialogue window with the people of the VAT numbers who had felt discriminated against. That the climate has changed is also demonstrated by a recent statement by the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Luigi Gaserò: "we must begin by saying that professionals represent one of the strengths of the country, while for too many years it has been said that they were a weight". A consideration supported, concretely, by the regulatory changes in sight: "in the Stability Law - adds the deputy minister - it is thought to reintroduce the rate at 5% for the first 5 years of activity and then at 15%, re-establishing the threshold of 30,000 euros, this time with no age limit".

The proposal

The beneficiaries of this measure, according to the Finance Department of the Ministry of the Economy, would be almost 1 million and 800 thousand workers who, on their 2014 declarations, reported a turnover of less than 30 thousand euros. In this way "the tax regime becomes accessible again for freelancers - claims the undersecretary for the Economy, Enrico Zanetti - and the same convenience that the old regime gave for new businesses is reproduced". Corrections and changes of course that concern the entire tax area of self-employment. «The smaller the size of a commercial activity, the more the unsustainable direct and indirect costs of bureaucratic obligations increase - the undersecretary points out -. It is precisely with these companies in mind, like all private citizens, that we are working to achieve the goal of creating a truly unique Tax Day"

The reactions

THE the first comments from the professional world and VAT numbers were not long in coming. Between skepticism and relief. "The announced reformulation of the minimum regime is one of the proposals contained in our road map - explains the president of Colap Emiliana Alessandrucci [in the photo on the left] —. Let's hope that this is really the wording that we will find in the law, we don't want last minute jokes like last year where we got a big blunder with the proposed regime. The government discusses with the interested parties, we can together build a sustainable and truly incentive proposal for professionals. We want to contribute to the country's recovery also by paying taxes, but it is necessary to make them fair, equitable and sustainable". And on the subject the front of requests is very broad. “Stability has important tasks to encourage the recovery of our country – continues Alessandrucci -. For this reason, professionals cannot be left out; a revision of the minimum regime is necessary, but the sector needs other measures, not just fiscal ones. We must act on simplification, on competitiveness, on the greater opening of the market». On the probable modification of the minimum regime, the position of Acta (Association of advanced tertiary consultants) is a little more critical: "It is a good patch but it is still a patch - he observes Anna Sorru, president of Acta -. The correction is certainly positive: it is right to remove the age limit because self-employment does not have fixed rules related to age groups. But it is still a measure that postpones the solution of the problem, the structural issues of self-employment are not addressed and the deeper questions remain open". The reference is aimed at the equation between self-employment and employee work. «Of course – confirms Som -. We have been appealing to this parity for some time: for those with low incomes we are asking for a no-tax area which is currently set at 4,800 euros and should instead be raised to at least 8 thousand euros. Furthermore, it would be right to introduce the 80 euro bonus also to VAT-registered workers ».

Related news: Italy restarts with the CoLAP Roadmap

If the company "hires" you as a self-employed person with a VAT number


Work: Ancot, with the Jobs Act VAT numbers are reduced

STABILITY LAW 2016: freeze theVAT increase and excise duties

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