
Government questions trust. Approved maxi-amendment. Cutting medical salaries is accountability

Minister Boschi announced it. In the morning intense debate on cuts to healthcare. But Boschi specifies: "The cuts that have been envisaged for health care and which have been incorporated in the text presented by the Government and voted on by the Commission, are those agreed with the Regions at the unified State-Regions Conference". Voted tonight. THE TEXT OF THE MAXIMUM AMENDMENT.

( … continues)

28 July 2015 – dailyhealthcare

Related news: DECREE-LAW 19 June 2015, n. 78 Urgent provisions concerning local authorities. (15G00093) (GU General Series n.140 of 19-6-2015 – Ordinary Supplement n. 32)

Approved by local authorities, Lorenzin: cutting medical salaries is accountability

"The cuts that have been envisaged for health care and implemented by the text presented by the government and voted on by the commissions are those agreed with the Regions on 2 July with the unanimity of the Regions present". The Minister for Relations with Parliament said, Maria Elena Boschi, announcing the trust in the local government decree. The maxi-amendment entirely replacing the text was approved with 163 yes and 111 no. Now the provision, which must be converted into law by 18 August, is being examined by the Chamber. In the morning, while waiting for parliamentary developments, the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin underlined how the cut in doctors' salaries is a form of accountability. The Minister of Health underlines this to the agencies Beatrice Lorenzin underlining how the government's objective is to eliminate defensive medicine, which costs 13 billion a year, that is, explains the minister «200 euros each in taxes paid more annually by every citizen. A figure that could instead be reinvested, for example, in prevention ». In terms of doctors' salaries, the minister specified that the sanction concerns "ancillary salaries" and that it is "a form of accountability that discourages prescriptive abuse, which costs enormous sums". Lorenzin categorically excludes a "will to persecute doctors" and hopes for a confrontation with scientific societies. «We need to perform the right services and we can intervene on all pathologies, especially the chronic ones. For example, we need to reduce waste in extensive diagnostics and reinvest in prevention". With regard to the 10 billion cuts that continue to rage in the debate, Lorenzin reiterates that it is not a question of a "cut", but rather "it is the savings that we can obtain in 5 years by applying the Pact for health, with a reorganization of the system in terms of efficiency, checks and verifications". A sum, adds the minister, to "reinvest in health in sectors such as innovation and research, personnel and access to new drugs".

Marco Malagutti – Wednesday, 29 July 2015 – Doctor33

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