
The national employment contract of the ISF

The renewal agreement of the CCNL 09.22.2012 (expiring at the end of 2015) envisages for the Scientific Representative of the Drug the inclusion in the Commercial marketing/sales functional Area B2 (page 19), however by law it depends on the Scientific Service (Legislative Decree 219/06 art.122).

Pharma company sale representative. Skills:

– Deepen the knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the human body, in relation to the therapeutic areas of drugs related to the activity carried out

– Acquire knowledge of the pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics of drugs

– Acquire technical and language skills that allow you to interact with healthcare professionals to transmit information on the correct use of drugs (indications, methods of use, side effects and pharmacovigilance)

– Know the regulations of the pharmaceutical sector both as regards scientific information and as regards the duties and responsibilities pertaining to the profession in line with the indications of the law in force

– Know the structure and organization of the National Health Service in relation to the professional figures and processes inherent in the use of medicines.

In appendix 1 of the CCNL it is specified (pages 47 and 48):

  1. Pharmaceutical sales representative (l)

- Carries out, according to company directives and in compliance with Legislative Decree 12/30/1992 n. 541 as amended by Legislative Decree 24/04/2006 n. 219, activities of scientific information among doctors and health professionals' (by health care worker we mean: the doctor, the pharmacist and the hospital pharmacist, as per current legislation), illustrating them the pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics of the drugs in order to ensure the correct use.

– Reports to the company in compliance with art. 9, point 6, of Legislative Decree 12/30/1992 n. 541 as amended by art. 122, point 6, of Legislative Decree 24/04/2006 n. 219, the observations recorded in the use of drugs that emerge from the interview with health professionals and in particular the information on the secondary effects of drugs for human use.

– Possess a suitable educational qualification (art. 9, point 2, Legislative Decree 12/30/1992, n. 541, as amended by art. 122, point 2, of Legislative Decree 04/24/2006 n. 219), a high professional qualification and adequate scientific knowledge on drugs which he will present to doctors and health professionals.

– Within the scope of the law on the matter, he may be called upon to carry out in the pertinent area, according to company directives, additional activities to support scientific information on the drug, including reporting and management of information flows involving skills, experience and responsibility, for the purpose of developing the territorial interactions of the area itself.

– With a view to targeting the patient to the best access to treatments involving the use of drugs for which it ensures scientific information, collects and reports therapeutic choices, the forecast development of consequent activities, collects and summarizes, for its own direction , the information necessary for these purposes.

– Can integrate, on indications and according to the needs of the company, scientific information and communication, even remotely, through the use of technological supports, with methods and tools established by the company.


(2) To favor and cope with the evolution of the role of the ISF also in order to support employability, the Scientific Representatives of the drug without specific experience in the job, hired on a permanent basis during the term of the contract, will be classified in the organizational position C1 – C2. The permanence in C of workers hired as ISF without specific experience in the job will be 36 months starting from the date of hiring.

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Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of pharmaceutical sales reps.

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