The measure that gives regulatory value to the cut of 2,352 million euros envisaged with the State-Regions Agreement of 26 February included in the outline of the Legislative Decree containing urgent provisions on the subject of territorial entities being examined at the next preparatory meeting of the Council of Ministers
Of Aboutpharma Online editorial staff June 9, 2015
On the launch pad the implementing rule of theagreement sanctioned in the State-Regions Conference on 26 February 2015 for the reduction of National Health Fund 2015 for a total amount of 2,352 million euros. The measure should be included among those contained in the scheme law decree bearing urgent provisions concerning local entities before the next preparatory meeting of the Council of Ministers.
The measure - contained in the article containing the "Provisions concerning the Regions" - does not identify the areas of expenditure subject to reduction, but defers to subsequent regulatory provisions the possible introduction of legislative changes that may become necessary in implementation of the future State- Regions appointed to establish the concrete efficiency measures of the NHS.
The timeliness of payments of healthcare debts is also targeted by the urgent measures, with an article in which the possibility of cash advances is envisaged in an amount not exceeding 80% of the value established in the latest allocation of financial resources approved at the State Conference -Regions. The same measure for the advances that the Economy will be able to grant to Universities for the financing of the training of specialist doctors pending the Dpcm for the allocation of the assigned resources.
Among the rules contained in the Legislative Decree scheme, there should also be measures concerning the implementation of the internal stability pact, accounting harmonization, the relocation of the personnel of the Provinces, the enhancement of the real estate assets, the interventions for the areas affected by seismic events and floods (Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy) as well as measures for the implementation of the repayment plan of the previous debt of the municipality of Rome.