July 21st '14 – R.it – Guglielmo Pepe's blog
Below I publish the letter that Barbara Ensoli wrote to me [resume], the researcher who has been directing the ISS project for the AIDS vaccine since the 1990s.
A lot of controversy has erupted recently, especially afterwards to the survey of the monthly Altraeconomia who accused the ISS of having financed an unsuccessful project. Furthermore, Ensoli has been accused of wanting to entrust the exploitation of the vaccine patent to the private company Vaxxit. And Ensoli is in the Vaxxit: conflict of interest?
Barbara Ensoli complains because I didn't even hear her "bell". But my first article is dated May 15, in which I underlined the lack of responses to the criticisms from the ISS and from yourself. In fact, absolute silence, almost as if to ignore what happened. But two weeks ago the Senate Health Commission informally listened to the immunologist Ferdinand Help And Victor Agnoletto, author of a book on the subject, who fired cannon fire at the AIDS vaccine. On July 3, I reported what happened with brief commentary notes. Also in this case, despite the news agencies, absolute silence from the Institute and from the researcher.
I am very pleased that Barbara Ensoli is now clarifying the situation from her point of view. Not all issues raised are addressed in the letter. But in the meantime it is a first step.
However, I don't understand why the Senate Commission didn't summon the researcher to listen to her informally, as had been announced. Perhaps the fact that in the meantime the Higher Institute of Health has been a police station has had an influence? While awaiting clarification, here is what Ensoli writes. And if some readers ask questions, perhaps she herself will answer.