ASK. This morning the interrogation of prof. Giuseppe Sabatino, Neonatologist of the SS. Annunziata of Chieti, who exercised the right not to answer before the magistrate Paolo Di Geronimo.
It was the first hearing to answer the charges of the pre-trial detention order for sexual harassment of some relatives of his young patients and for corruption from alleged bribes for the prescription of milk and vitamins of the Dicofarm and of Mellin.
"The professor didn't answer, not because he has nothing to say - defense attorney Andrea Di Lizio explained after the hearing - but we still don't have all the documentation on which the custody order is based, we don't have the videos and therefore it was impossible for us to properly evaluate an alternative interpretation to the accusations. We have ideas and we need time to understand and to replicate».
So will you go back to the magistrate? Have you submitted a request for the revocation of house arrest? "We will certainly return, but I have not forwarded this type of request which I will present in due time - concluded the lawyer - it is certain that I will ask the investigating magistrate on behalf of the professor for authorization to go out for treatment, given his health conditions".
Therefore, the time to face directly the accusations formulated on the basis of the investigation by the Nas dei Carabinieri to which it seems that it was the ASL that forwarded the report, after having become aware of the complaints of some women.
So much so that the ASL itself will bring civil action in a possible trial against the professor, while it also seems that the University has also been alerted to certain behaviors by the Neonatology professor probably due to some health problems and the treatments and drugs to which he is subjected. But these are events that will probably come out in the event of a trial, while today the pre-trial detention order indicates five episodes of alleged harassment of mothers and two charges related to corruption for having prescribed vitamins from Dicofarm and milk from Mellin in exchange for 10,000 euros from each company.
«The accusations of having pocketed alleged bribes from the two companies are very summary – clarifies the lawyer Di Lizio – the prof has not pocketed a penny. If then there have been sponsorships of some conferences, these have not been organized for profit, but for the obligatory updating of doctors and nurses. There is one company that manages everything