Historical Archive

Renzi – Menarini: that strange couple from Florence from Merkel





The role of Europe, are we sure that Matteo Renzi has assessed the impact it has had on the member countries?

by Cinzia Marchegiani the observer of Italy  31/03/2014

She was nominated by the delegation of eleven, the one convened by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who met with Chancellor Angela Merkel on March 17.

An important appointment for the fate of many Italians, the primary objective for Matteo Renzi was to convince the German chancellor regarding the proposal to raise the ratio between deficit and GDP by 0.3/0.4 percent, even if in this context it will be exclusive responsibility and variation in this regard to the European Parliament and the Commission.

In addition to the politicians of the current government, Pier Carlo Padoan, Minister of Economy, Federica Mogherini Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federica Guidi Minister of Economic Development, Roberta Pinotti Minister of Defense, Giuliano Poletti Minister of Labor and Maurizio Lupi Minister, are part of the Italian team at the German summit. of Infrastructure and Transport, the enfant prodige, wrecker of the Democratic Party and now also of the Senate, played

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