Historical Archive

Ugl, mobility for 243 MSD workers hard blow

 Pharmaceuticals in Italy: from ATM to resource for growth. Discussion on the future of the drug at the US Embassy

Medicines. US industries to Italy: “No more spot interventions. We need stability to get out of the crisis”

No more 'spot' interventions in the sector, no institutional fragmentation, promoting a policy of innovation and patents. And then adapt payment times to EU standards and promote the Italian system abroad. Here are the proposals of the American pharmaceutical industries to get out of the crisis. SEE THE IAPG WORKING PAPER

05 FEBGreater attractiveness of the Italian system and start of a stable and constructive dialogue between the institutions, the political world and the representatives of the pharmaceutical industry. These and not only the priorities discussed during the conference "The role and future of the American pharmaceutical industry in Italy", hosted in Rome by the Ambassador of the United States, David Thorne, and in the presence of the Minister of Health Renato Balduzzi, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic Development Claudio De Vincenti, the Director General of the Italian Medicines Agency Luca Pani and many representatives of the political and business world.

The pharmaceutical sector is a strategic sector for the economy of Western countries. (SEE THE IAPG WORKING PAPER) Italy, in fact, represents the second largest sector for US investors both in terms of turnover (20%) and employment (14%).

A sector in which innovation and patent protection are the foundations for competing. With a turnover exceeding 5 billion Euros, over 13,000 employees (about 5,000 in R&D

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