Rome - (Adnkronos Salute/Ign) - If you compare the following seven months the entry into force of the measure of August 2012 with the same period of the previous year, there is an increase of approx the 25% of the packs sold. Former Health Minister: "We are gradually realigning ourselves with other European countries"
Rome, May 29. (Adnkronos Salute/Ign) – Other than a flop. Indicate the active ingredient on medical prescriptions works and how. The law which provides for the obligation, in force since August 2012, has produced a real boom in the sales of generic drugs reimbursed by the NHS. Comparing the seven months following the entry into force of the provision (September 2012 - March 2013) with the same period of the previous year, in fact, it is recorded an increase of around 25% in the packs sold. A leap that reaches record peaks in some regions: in Calabria, for example, in the seven months under analysis, the growth in the sale of generics with prescriptions recorded a +36%. This is what emerges from the data Assogenerici on the sales of equivalent drugs, elaborated by Adnkronos Salute. Even if the upward trend in the sales of generics was already underway in the months preceding the introduction of the standard developed by the Monti government, the indication of the active ingredient in the prescription has certainly accelerated growth. In some cases doubling it.
The rule that provides for the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient in the recipe, he says the former Minister of Health, Renato Balduzzi "it starts working, without creating havoc in the system. It is useful for citizens, patients and the system as a whole". Data from which it emerged that the rule on the indication of the active ingredient in the prescription – desired and developed by Balduzzi himself – has produced a real boom in the sales of generic drugs reimbursed by the NHS. "This increase – adds the former minister – goes in the direction of a gradual realignment of Italy with respect to other European countries", on the consumption of generic drugs. "This was the wish of the legislator", concludes Balduzzi.
The Assogenerici data speak for themselves and show a picture that seems to have produced the effect hoped for by the legislator: the increase in consumer