Historical Archive

Censis, healthcare employs 724,000 people

Concentrated on monetary and technological resources, it is too little considered that the Italian healthcare system walks on the legs of over 724,000 people, including over 237,000 doctors, over 334,000 nurses, almost 49,000 personnel with rehabilitation functions, over 45,000 with technical-health functions and more than 11,000 supervisory and inspection departments. This is what emerges from the 46th Censis Report on the social situation of the country 2012. To respond to the growing and articulated demand for health of citizens and to produce good health care, Censis notes, both the technical skills and the relational skills of health workers count ; and on this last aspect the judgment of the Italians is largely positive: the 71,2%, thinking of a recent experience in a healthcare facility other than the general practitioner's office, defined the healthcare operators as kind and helpful. As for the relationship with general practitioners, the request to express an opinion with a value between 0 and 10, the average value indicated by the Italians was 7.7.

For some time now, the doctor-patient relationship has been a complex interaction on which a multiplicity of variables play, among which the tendency to collect information on the part of citizens is decisive; almost 52% of web users declare that they verify the diagnosis and indications of their doctor on the Internet and 33% discuss the results of their searches on the web with the doctor himself.

Other protagonists of the human factor in healthcare are the nurses; among the citizens who came into contact with them in the last year, more than 75% expressed a positive opinion, and this percentage remains high across the social body and geographical areas.


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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco