Question by Antonio Saia (Italian Communists) to Chiodi
THE EAGLE. The Abruzzo Region charges a copay on antiepileptic drugs.
The regional councilor Antonio Saia questioned the president Gianni Chiodi to find out more.
These are drugs based on levetiracetam (keppra) and topiramate (topamax) used for epileptic seizures generated by severe brain trauma, tumors or bleeding. The patient has the choice of whether to buy the original drug or its less expensive generic equivalent. Usually the price difference between the original and the generic varies from 14.64 to 96.29 euros per pack and is paid by the patient.
The Aifa (Italian Medicines Agency), perhaps concerned by the fact that the replacement of the product could cause problems for patients, sent a note to the Regions recommending not to replace the original drug with the generic one. The association recalled that the doctor can specify that the medicine cannot be replaced and that the local health authorities must not charge the patient the difference in price.
On 19 September 2012, the Abruzzo Region, Saia recounts, "on the other hand invited pharmacists to charge the difference both in the event that patients themselves choose the generic drug and if forced by the absence of the generic equivalent on the market".
In Abruzzo, the adviser always specifies, "epilepsy patients also have to deal with the lack of laboratories capable of carrying out the blood dosage of levetiracetam and perhaps also of topiramate".
«Why does the Region», Saia asked, «doesn't stop making patients pay the huge amount of the difference, also in the light of the AIFA indications? Does the Region know that there are laboratories in Abruzzo capable of carrying out the blood dosage of levetiracetam and topiramate? Don't you think it is necessary and urgent that at least one or two hospital laboratories be equipped to do this (I am thinking of those in which there are Neurosurgery and Surgery departments)?».
28/09/2012 PrimaDaNoi.it
A "designer" drug, Federfarma points out: "It is better to avoid issuing suggestions in con