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Filctem CGIL Latina press release for medical-scientific information workers

ITALIAN FEDERATION OF CHEMISTRY, TEXTILES, ENERGY, MANUFACTURING WORKERS Via Cerveteri, 2/A 04100 LATINA Tel. 0773/481321 – Fax 0773/693306 E. Mail: filctem.latina@virgilio.it




Latina, September 19, 2012





LFilctem Cgil of Latina considers the launch of the debate held on 12 September 2012 at the Ministry of Economic Development to address the problems relating to the drug supply chain to be extremely important.

Everyone recognizes the importance of the pharmaceutical sector for the country's economy, but recent legislative provisions heavily penalize the sector with the risk of questioning employment structures.

In view of this, the Filctem Cgil of Latina, together with the representatives of the workers of the Scientific Information of the Pharmaceutical of the Filctem Cgil of the Pfizer and Abbott companies, wants to make a useful contribution to the continuation of the comparison by highlighting some weaknesses that must inevitably be overcome also in the patient's interest in health care.


The DL no. 95/2012 with the Law of conversion no. 135/2012 to the art. 15 paragraph 11 bis mentions: 

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