The impact over the next three years will be 4.7 billion euros. Restrictions on goods and services, medicines, medical devices and the purchase of services from accredited private individuals. Confirmed the cut of beds. Here is the text of the article. 15 with all health measures.
07 JUL – After being approved by the Council of Ministers and signed by the President of the Republic, the decree-law "Urgent provisions for the reduction of public spending on unchanged services" (spending review) was published today in the Official Gazette.
The intervention focused on four expenditure items:
- conditions of purchase and supply of goods and services;
- expenditure on medicines;
- spending on medical devices;
-purchase of healthcare services from accredited private entities
Here are the health interventions:
The estimated savings are 900 million euros for the second half of 2012, 1.8 billion for 2013 and 2 billion for 2014. The decree envisages the possibility of remodulating the type of health interventions for 2013 and 2014 together with the Regions by July, without prejudice to the overall balance of the savings to be obtained, through the agreement on the Health Pact.
The measure adopted provides for the recalculation of the amounts and services envisaged in the individual supply contracts to a reduction of 5% starting from the entry into force of the law decree and for the entire duration of the contract. This extraordinary measure is aimed at anticipating already in 2012 the maneuver on goods and services envisaged by the decree law 98/2011 which will fully exert its effects starting from 2013 and will be based on the obligation for the purchasing centers to take into account the new reference price contracts which the Supervisory Authority on public contracts will gradually make known and available. For contracts already stipulated, however, a renegotiation is envisaged between the Healthcare Authority and the suppliers, or the possibility of withdrawal by the public structure, in the event of significant deviations (20%) between the prices in force and the reference one, and this by way of derogation from the article 1171 of the Civil Code.
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