The risk was feared by the extraordinary assembly of pharmaceutical companies which met yesterday to have its say on the liberalization decree. The law that encourages the prescription of generics is under accusation. For the industrialists, a measure "without any advantage, either for the State or for the citizens".
07 FEB – "The Extraordinary Assembly of Farmindustria, meeting in Rome, forcefully asks the Government and Parliament to consider the industrial value and innovation of the pharmaceutical industry in Italy, adopting policies capable of recognizing its fundamental role for the growth of the country and for citizens' access to new therapies. Exactly the opposite of what has been happening for years without interruption. As demonstrated both by the recently adopted law which favors generic drugs over branded ones, and by the strong penalization of innovation, confirmed by the July maneuver, which risks affecting hospital drugs are unsustainable".
Thus an official note from Farmindustria released today at the conclusion of the Assembly that was held yesterday to examine the repercussions of the liberalization decree on drug companies.
"For this reason - continues the note - he asks to eliminate the provision of the liberalization decree or to substantially modify it by favoring greater information for the patient, but without forms of substitute coercion towards doctors and pharmacists. This is because the measure causes unjustifiable discrimination in favor of generics, determining the passage of market shares from some companies to others, with largely foreign production. A measure which therefore compromises the values of a quality manufacturing industry and will soon cause the forced transfer of production from Italy to other countries, with devastating consequences for the sector (and its 165 factories), which aggravate company crises and put thousands of jobs at risk already in the next few months, adding up to the reduction in employment of 10,000 employees since 2006. All this without any advantage either for the State, which now bears only the cost of the cheapest drug, or for the citizen who could already choose the latter on mandatory notification by the pharmacist.
"Farmindustria also urgently calls for stable and favorable conditions for innovation, essential for growth, systematically penalized by delays in accessing innovative medicines at national and regional level, by launch conditions in terms of pr