The positions have not changed and not even in cold blood, after the good intentions of the holiday period it has been possible to reach an agreement satisfactory for all parties. In fact, the meeting in the Lazio Region took place yesterday afternoon as part of the discussion process previously defined.
In the meeting, the Company, which entrusts a strategic negotiation for its survival to a consultant, did not show that it had understood the spirit of the report signed with the Ministry of Economic Development which committed it to evaluate "measurements, dimensions, times and/or tools “even different from those initially proposed to manage the difficult situation. The company remained on its positions, confirming its willingness to resort to CIGS and outsourcing in the numbers already indicated and effectively precluding the reaching of an agreement. The RSU and trade union organizations strongly reject this approach. If sigma-tau and the group register a loss, this is counterbalanced by a strongly growing "net equity" of the group, although "moved from accounts" to subsidiaries, including foreign ones; this equity of the group will have to be used as a guarantee to obtain the economic resources that allow painless management of the open dispute. The priority interest of this union is to seek an agreement but we are not willing to sell off the workers and their future; our position is that no one should leave this company in a dramatic way but rather that operations that allow workers to join their retirement through incentivized and voluntary redundancies should be privileged. Whoever, within the decision-making bodies of the group, theorizes the lack of final agreement as a way out of the stalemate that has arisen, know that they risk taking on the incalculable costs of a very harsh social conflict that will inevitably damage the company itself . For this reason, we believe that the appointment set at the Ministry of Economic Development for the 13th is a crucial step in this dispute and becomes a fundamental moment for seeking those solutions that allow us to avoid a very harsh social conflict.
January 11, 2012 – The Corriere della Città
Sigma-Tau, the future remains uncertain "The company does not accept the agreement"
Nothing happened in the long meeting that took place in the rooms of the Lazio Region between trade unions and managers. The workers' representatives were disappointed: "The spirit of the report signed at the ministry was not understood". Next appointment on January 13th