Concern for the projects of the Tuscany Region on procurement tenders for homogeneous therapeutic category, branded and generic together, is growing in the drug supply chain. During the week, Federfarma's presidential council will meet to examine the issue but the union has already let it be known that any forward flight of the regional administration would trigger appeals and legal interventions. In the same line Farmindustria, which launches heartfelt invitations to reflection to Tuscany. «In the projects advocated by the Region» comments the vice president of the producers' association, Emilio Stefanelli «we are unable to see sufficient savings to justify the damage that they would instead cause to the country system: because it would attack the Italian production sector thus opening the doors of our market to state industries that can obviously afford other prices. The result would be to bring to their knees companies in this country that export and therefore create wealth and jobs».
These, among other things, will be the considerations that Farmindustria will try to convey to the Tuscan government: «We want to explain the repercussions of this type of measure to the political part of the administration» continues Stefanelli «and we will do the same with the political part of the Conference of Regions, because we are concerned about Tuscan projects and we are also concerned about any imitations by other governments".
For the same reasons, Farmindustria does not hesitate to also send a message to the Tuscan owners, who will meet next Sunday in assembly to decide whether to collaborate or "boycott" the tender system (which pharmacies could enter by dealing with dispensing in dpc mode) : «It may also be that pharmacists have a little something to gain from the system that the Region is proposing» observes Stefanelli «but there is no doubt that in the end the damage to the system would far outweigh the advantages». And Tuscany was also discussed at the sixth Meridiano Sanità forum, organized yesterday in Cernobbio, in the province of Como, by European house Ambrosetti. "Therapeutic equivalence tenders" said Ugo Cosentino, chairman of the IAPG (Italian American Pharmaceutical Group) and managing director of Pfizer Italia in no uncertain terms, "kill innovation and are a deterrent for those who invest in this country".
8 November 2011 – Pharmacist33
Loredano Giorni, head of pharmaceuticals in the Tuscan region and member of the AIFA price committee. Top right, Daniela Scaramuccia, councilor for health policies of the Tuscan region.