The labor statute is on the way. Some rights will be reviewed. Thematic tables with trade unions and businesses will start "in the next few days", announced Gianni Letta. The first will be on the labor market and will be chaired by ministers Sacconi and Brunetta. And this despite the opposition of the social partners, trade unions and industry. Again yesterday Emma Marcegaglia was clear: «On the subject we all agreed that this is a subject that must be in the total, sole and exclusive availability of the parties». The table mentioned by Undersecretary Letta essentially concerns the announced Labor Statute, which would supersede the historic Workers' Statute which will define different rules in the relationship between employees and employers. Some worker rights would be described as "universal and unavailable". Others, considered "minor", would be deferred to both national and corporate bargaining. Among the latter are the dismissals, currently regulated by article 18, which in the future could be facilitated in exchange for an indemnity. It is assumed that the inter-confederation agreement signed last June will be transposed into law.
Unions are already on a war footing. To soften the trauma, the government has presented a 1 billion euro plan to promote youth employment. Among other things, Minister Meloni announces 10,000 new permanent jobs for young precarious parents through a provision from his ministry with a bonus of 5,000 euros to companies that hire an unemployed young person (or hired under an atypical contract) under the age of 35 and with children on a permanent basis.
The ticket reappears for the first three days of hospitalization hospital. The regions and the government have not yet finished arguing over the superticket on specialist visits, analyzes and diagnostics that a new, heavy tax arises from the new corrective maneuver in August: that of 10 euros on the first three days of hospitalization. A ticket that in the distant past cost De Mita his seat in Palazzo Chigi but which the Treasury technicians are now ready to dust off the drawers, justifying it as a contribution to the cost of board and lodging, in any case saved by those who have to stop in the ward. The heavy tax will help the Regions to withstand the blow of the anticipated cut of 7.5 billion euros in two years of the National Health Fund. In reality, the copay on hospitalizations, announced on the "improper" ones by the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio, would bring in only 300-400 million euros, but would have the double advantage of discouraging improper hospitalizations and paving the way for the much more massive health taxes that it will be up to the Regions, probably as early as 2013, to apply to guarantee that 40% of savings on healthcare, which the July decree binds precisely to the application of new tickets. In all, about 2 billion to be paid from the pockets of the patients, given that in two years the health fund will have 5 billion euros less than expected. A slimming cure that starting next year should be ensured above all by the one-year advance application of standard costs, the new spending review set up to calibrate the financial needs of regional health services on the expenditure of the most virtuous health administrations.
Modification to the Charter to relaunch the economy. As you will remember, last week Silvio Berlusconi and Giulio Tremonti announced a change to the Constitution, in article 41