10 JAN – Economic crisis, prospects for the pharmaceutical sector, relations with pharmacies and other components of the supply chain, innovations in research and the future for young people, also in the light of President Napolitano's end-of-year appeal. These are the most salient points of the exclusive interview with the president of Farmindustria Sergio Dompé who, in any case and beyond the objective difficulties of predicting how and when this phase of economic crisis can be considered concluded, says he is optimistic about the possibility of holding up the drug system.
President Dompé, how will 2010 end for the pharmaceutical industry?
It hasn't been an easy year. We had to fight on two fronts: the continuous decline in the average net revenue on the internal market and the decrease in the increase in hospital turnover due to the many initiatives implemented by the Regions to reduce pharmaceutical spending in hospitals. It was also a difficult year in terms of access to innovation. Marked, moreover, by the reduction suffered on the margin for the industry cut by 1.83% on the price of the drug to the public. A cut that, in fact, becomes 2.70% on the turnover of companies, already among the lowest in Europe, at the same price. A choice that has penalized the industry to favor the pharmacy.
The confrontation between the various protagonists of the supply chain was very heated during the approval of the July maneuver. The president of Fofi, Andrea Mandelli, hoped that in 2011 there will be room for a more serene discussion and a common vision. Do you think it's possible?
President Mandelli's wishes are valid and acceptable. The question, however, is not to stop at words and, in the face of objective difficulties, to study solutions that do not penalize the other components of the sector. I am the first to believe that the pharmacists' battle against the maneuver was legitimate, because the cut in margins with them was unfair given that in recent years there has been no increase in their income from the pharmaceuticals under agreement in the face of a strong cost increase. But the matter should not be blamed on the companies, above all if one considers that the intermediate distribution would in fact have had heavy repercussions on its margin. Personally I strongly believe in the possibility of having a "tonic" pharmacy and an efficient service for citizens. And this is because, beyond internal issues, the future of all parties depends on the efficiency and competitiveness of the service rendered, as well as of course on the accessibility to medicines and innovation quickly. I really hope, therefore, that in 2011 this common vision can be realized.
The stability law does not provide for further cuts to the pharmaceutical industry. Is that a positive sign?
Beyond what has been said, I cannot fail to acknowledge a certain willingness on the part of the Government to avoid further penalties for the sector. In fact, we must record some positive elements such as the financing of pro contracts