It has long been known that a large part of an organization's failures are also due to management flaws. After all, an organization is made up of people, therefore not knowing how to manage them well leads to unsatisfactory results. Starting from the saying that "fish starts to stink from the head", many hypothesize that if a socially toxic environment is created due to incompetent managers, there will be cascading decreases in productivity and worsening of the psychosocial climate of the organization. However, scientific research is very cautious in drawing definitive conclusions in this regard, since it would appear very strange to impute the cause of all evils to only one of the two elements of the boss-employee relationship.
Indeed, just as a leader always requires followers, a boss also finds his legitimacy in the relationship with his employees/collaborators. If this relationship, already asymmetrical in itself, is forced by force (for example, there are coercions regarding purposes, preferences, communication and action styles) or by economic necessity or by inadequate contractual mechanisms, it will be altered from the outset and will become an easy occasion for manipulation and dominance.
Only if the collaborator is not a subordinate who passively carries out the orders of the boss, but is courageous and reacts constructively, supports and directs his function, correcting it when it threatens to deviate from the common objectives, can adequate results be obtained. Otherwise, if there is no recognition of mutual value and lack of freedom of communication, they are likely bad relationships in which the role of the boss is predominant, with its merits and above all defects. From this point of view, the list of attributes of the "bad boss" is practically inexhaustible: from communicative superficiality, to the most subtle forms of mobbing, to pure behavioral idiocy. An example of faulty boss-employee relationship it's about too much control over people and teams, complicated by an obsessive attention to detail.
Si tratta del cosiddetto micro-management: un modo di gestire le persone basato sul “piccolo cabotaggio” e sull’intromissione continua che alla fine lascia scontenti i lavoratori e risulta anche pericolosa per la qualità delle prestazioni. Quando un capo che coordina vari pr