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Order of Milan, no to the state comparison

Public incentives for doctors who prescribe cheaper drugs? For the Order of Milan the answer is no, thank you. The sentence of the European Court of Justice which a few days ago had declared legitimate the "bonuses" set up by the health authorities of some member states to encourage the prescription of cheaper medicines continues to cause discussion. And if for Assogenerici Italy should immediately take an example, for the Medical Association of Milan it is necessary to proceed with leaden feet. The position is not new: twice in the recent past the professional association had said no to as many drafts of regional agreements in which incentives were proposed to contain spending. «In footballing terms» comments the vice president, Roberto Carlo Rossi «that of Europe is an entrance with a straight leg, which risks turning into an ethical defeat for the doctors. In our opinion, the question does not change: public incentives take the form of a sort of state comparison. This is how we thought when we rejected the Region's proposals and this is how we continue to think about it ».
The opinion of the president of Fnomceo, Amedeo Bianco, is more articulated. «For doctors, the patient and his supreme interest remain at the center of every professional act» he explains «all other considerations come second. This means that only with equal benefits and appropriateness does it become legitimate to evaluate choices based on the advantages that could be achieved in terms of savings, provided that by savings we obviously mean the recovery of resources to be reused in the system».

DoctorNews – 4 May 2010 – Year 8, Number 79

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