Historical Archive

ABOUTPHARMA, Press Review from 07/01/09 to 08/01/09

Press Review from 07/01/09 to the 08/01/09 


Wyeth: possible acquisition of Crucell

(The Financial Times online, The Wall Street Journal online, Les Echos online – January 8, 2009)

The American Wyeth has begun negotiations for the acquisition of the Dutch biopharmaceutical Crucell, specialized in the production of vaccines. According to some rumors, the operation, which would allow Wyeth to strengthen its position in this sector, could be worth around 1.35 billion dollars.



Rome: false recipes, interrogations scheduled for January 19th

(Il Messaggero Rome: page 37 – 8 January 2009)

On January 19, the investigating magistrate of the Court of Rome, Maria Teresa Covatta, will interrogate the 14 suspects (doctors and pharmacists) last December 2. The investigation concerns false prescriptions and prescriptions issued to the detriment of the NHS, for a scam that exceeds 10 million euros.



Use: Allergan launches a product to lengthen eyelashes

(Les Echos online – January 8, 2009)

On December 24, 2008, Allergan obtained FDA approval for Latisse (bimatoprost), a pr

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