No to direct-to-the-public advertising for prescription drugs. On the other hand, go ahead with patient information using other channels, such as authorized websites and specialized publications, and only certain types of messages, such as the simple and understandable summary of product characteristics. This is what the European Commission proposes in the pharmaceutical package presented in Brussels. It is a set of legislative proposals aimed at improving access to medicines in Europe. The provisions will now have to pass to the scrutiny of the Parliament and the European Council in co-decision for the definitive go-ahead, which should arrive within 18 months of their adoption and publication. The European body has therefore decided not to open up to direct-to-consumer advertising spots, such as those allowed in the USA, but to think of softer and above all homogeneous forms of communication in all the member states. This is because, with the growing use of the internet - the Commission points out - European citizens have become increasingly independent in their search for information on medicines. But to reduce the risk of misleading or poor quality messages, there is a need for joint action to harmonize legislation at European level. The Commission is therefore proposing a series of rules which allow pharmaceutical companies to provide information on prescription medicines, while continuing to prohibit advertising and overtly promotional messages.
Source: "Pharmacist33"