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Yesterday's MEETING between the union parties and Pfizer's top management went on throughout the morning. The time taken, however, did not help to reach the expected agreement on the company's request for mobility for 46 workers, managers, office workers and manual workers at the Campolungo production site. There are currently forty redundancies, because six workers have already found a new job within the factory. The economic proposal that Pfizer made yesterday to the union representatives, relating to the incentives to be allocated to those who are close to retirement and for this reason could voluntarily decide to stop working, was deemed unsatisfactory. For this reason a new summit has been convened for 22 June. On that day we will proceed to the bitter end until we reach the signing of the agreement. «We have reaffirmed our positions – explained Giuseppe Marucci of the Ugl, at the end of the meeting -. The redundant workers must be relocated, there are places in the company, no one must be made redundant. The economic proposal that has been made to us is not sufficient. We hope that after this face-to-face meeting the company has understood that it takes a bit of good will but the solution to avoid being fired can be found». Yesterday, however, Pfizer took a step forward, as confirmed by the union representatives themselves. Signs of openness to the demands of the unions were also launched on the occasion of the meeting in Assindustria in mid-May, when Pfizer guaranteed that it would take into account workers close to retirement. After the announcement of the intention to open the mobility procedure, the company had also added that the Ascoli plant, in the last year, has seen a reduction in production volumes, due.

Emmanuel Astolfi 

Il Resto del Carlino of 12/06/2009 ed. Ascoli p. 6

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