The difficulties encountered in applying the speaking receipt were many, also for this reason an amnesty arrived for the tax returns referring to 2007: the Revenue Agency ordered that the health expenses incurred from 1 July to 31 December 2007, for the purposes of the Irpef deduction/deduction, could also be certified by means of a non-speaking or incomplete receipt, if integrated, on the taxpayer's initiative, with the indication (also on an added sheet ) of the buyer's tax code and the nature, quality and quantity of the medicines purchased. TO CERTIFY the health expenses incurred from 1 January 2008, on the other hand, the speaking receipt will be required. «There is the risk that next year, with the declarations referring to 2008, the knots will come to a head, since there will be many taxpayers who have not asked for the talking receipt – predicts Cavalieri -. Provided that some further remedial legislation does not intervene ». Federconsumatori has already requested that the amnesty be extended to the first half of 2008 as well. But what are the deductible medicines? These are all medicines, both those for which a doctor's prescription is required and those for which it is not necessary, i.e. the so-called over-the-counter medicines (including homeopathic ones). The deductibility applies to both non-refundable and refundable drugs (for the amount paid as a co-payment). Also deductible are expenses for food supplements prescribed by the specialist for curative purposes, those for liquids for contact lenses, for the rental or purchase of medical equipment, and veterinary expenses for pets. The foreseen deduction is equal to 19 per cent of the expenses incurred during the year, exceeding the deductible of 129.11 euros. LI.CE.
Brescia Today of 11/08/2008 p. 13