Against the risk of conflicts of interest in the scientific field, pharmaceutical companies active in Italy boast "the strictest regulation of the whole industry as a whole". This was stated by Enrica Giorgetti, general manager of Farmindustria, speaking in Milan at the seminar 'The social responsibility of scientific researchers and pharmaceutical companies', organized at the University of Studies by the I-CSR Foundation for the dissemination of social and corporate responsibility. A meeting that brought together various representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, consumers, academic research and the press around the same table, with the mission of starting a wider and more constant debate in the future. "Our goal, declared by the president Sergio Dompé since the beginning of his mandate – recalls Giorgetti – is to reduce expenses dedicated to marketing, while increasing investments in research". Precisely in this logic - but "also in response to the measures adopted by the Regions to more rigorously regulate contacts between drug sales representatives and doctors, with the intention of reducing pharmaceutical expenditure", specifies the general manager - "in the last two years the number of sales representatives in Italy has decreased by 2,800-3 thousand" units. And the prediction for the future is to lose more, in line with a trend "which is certainly not only Italian, but international". Against this, "in the last 5 years we have gained a thousand researchers (200 more each year), reaching 6,250", underlines Giorgetti.