(Libero Mercat page 17, Il Sole 24 Ore: page 10, la Repubblica: page 20, Corriere della Sera: page 26 – 4 October 2007)
US President George Bush has vetoed the bill that provides for the extension of health insurance to several million children, currently without health coverage. The law provided for an extra fund of 35 billion dollars that would have had to be added to the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which benefits more than 6.5 million children. Bush said that he made this decision for economic reasons: expanding health coverage would mean encouraging people who are now privately insured to switch to public health care and this would involve very high costs.
"UniCredit: 27 million euro for pharmaceutical project"
(Libero Mercat page 14 – 4 October 2007)
The corporate bank of the UniCredit group has concluded a 27 million euro operation in support of Bsp Pharmaceuticals for the purchase and conversion towards highly specialized production of the former Tetra Pak industrial site in Latina. The project is intended to support the formulation development and commercial production of drugs for the treatment of cancer.
Amgen cuts 75 jobs in Ireland
(International Herald Tribune: p. 21, Les Echos online - October 4, 2007)
Biotech firm Amgen has announced it has canceled plans for a $1 billion manufacturing plant in Ireland. This decision, the result of the crisis that the company is going through following the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on the use of its products in the erythropoietin class, will result in a cut of 75 jobs in Ireland.
JP Morgan joins Recordati
(Bloomberg Finance & Markets: page 4 – 4 October 2007)
JP Morgan Amment has entered the capital of Recordati with a share of 2%.
"Brown wants to invest £100bn in healthcare"
(Libero Mercat page 15 – 4 October 2007)
British Premier Gordon Brown has presented a plan to revive the National Health Service which provides for spending that will exceed, for the first time, the threshold of 100 billion pounds.
USA: Sanofi-Aventis and UCB launch a new antihistamine
(Les Echos online – October 3, 2007)
In the USA, a new drug against allergies, Xyzal, an antihistamine marketed by Sanofi-Aventis and UCB, has been on sale since 2 October. In Europe, the drug is already on the market. Analysts expect a rather limited turnover (about 200-300 million euros) for this new product due to strong competition.