“Apparently, this year Italians have consumed a slightly higher quantity of medicines than last year, but above all they have done so in a more appropriate manner. Thanks also to the family doctors”. This is the comment by Giacomo Milillo, national secretary of Fimmg, the largest union of general practitioners, on the data presented yesterday in the Osmed report on the trend of pharmaceutical consumption in Italy in the first nine months of 2006. "The figures emerging from the report - underlines Milillo - confirm how family doctors, while prescribing a greater number of doses, have done so bearing in mind the budgetary needs of both the Health Service and their patients". According to the national secretary of Fimmg, the growth of the generic drug market testifies to “the support that general practitioners are giving to the use of these products, especially in the long-term treatment of chronic pathologies.
Furthermore – adds Milillo – the reduction in the 'private' purchase of medicines reimbursed by the NHS gives the measure of the improvement of the general medicine supply network”.
From “pharmacist33”
From “pharmacist33”