The Governing Council of the Rome Medical Association, "also following the numerous protests received from members", requests a meeting with the President of the Competition and Market Authority Antonio Catricalà.
The statements made by Catricalà on links "to be broken" between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry, at the basis of the proposal to introduce the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient of drugs, are 'under accusation'. The members of the Council of the Order, "although they have always been convinced that it is necessary to isolate, without any reservations, those who damage the decorum of the profession - they point out in a note - are tired of indiscriminate attacks, especially if made by important public administrations against of a profession that in this country can boast enormous merits”.
The statements made by Catricalà on links "to be broken" between doctors and the pharmaceutical industry, at the basis of the proposal to introduce the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient of drugs, are 'under accusation'. The members of the Council of the Order, "although they have always been convinced that it is necessary to isolate, without any reservations, those who damage the decorum of the profession - they point out in a note - are tired of indiscriminate attacks, especially if made by important public administrations against of a profession that in this country can boast enormous merits”.
From “doctornews”