ROME. «Of the pharmacists who are there? They have to come here too. Do they want to report them? We will defend them, aggratis!» screams the lawyer Maurizio De Tilla. It's nearly four in the afternoon and the "betrayal" has practically already taken place. In the Roman hall of the Cassa forense, where the presidents of the professional categories who marched against the Bersani decree met in the morning, there are lawyers, notaries, accountants, experts, dentists and geologists. And the pharmacists? For them there is Clementina Fatta, from Palermo, «18 years of rural pharmacy behind». Federfarma number one Giorgio Siri, on the other hand, doesn't see you. He has just had an exchange of press releases with the Minister of Health and - in fact - he has broken the front of the protest: he has promised not to ask for changes to the Bersani decree and Livia Turco has summoned him to drum for the evening. In return, as an opening gesture, he announced that the lockout against the liberalization of the sale of over-the-counter medicines can be stopped. At eight o'clock in the evening the promise is kept: strike called off.
The government this time had no intention of giving in, and the Minister of Health had gone so far as to propose the prescription of white coats. "The announcement of the lockout - declared the Undersecretary of the Presidency Enrico Letta at the end of yesterday's Council of Ministers - will oblige the government to evaluate the forms so that the minimum right to health is guaranteed". In the early afternoon, however, Federfarma let it be known that it was ready to suspend the protest in the event of a call. And in a press release it limits itself to soliciting proposals "aimed at identifying the correct role of the pharmacy", asking for the establishment of regional tables and particular attention to retailers located in rural areas.
The government this time had no intention of giving in, and the Minister of Health had gone so far as to propose the prescription of white coats. "The announcement of the lockout - declared the Undersecretary of the Presidency Enrico Letta at the end of yesterday's Council of Ministers - will oblige the government to evaluate the forms so that the minimum right to health is guaranteed". In the early afternoon, however, Federfarma let it be known that it was ready to suspend the protest in the event of a call. And in a press release it limits itself to soliciting proposals "aimed at identifying the correct role of the pharmacy", asking for the establishment of regional tables and particular attention to retailers located in rural areas.
The minister agrees on this line and starts the call, not before having underlined "the sense of responsibility of Italian pharmacists". Diplomatic salaams, who however are on their third strike in eight days to unblock the impasse. And they are also playing into the hands of Federfarma, which after the compact adhesions to the protests of 19 and 26 July, now has to deal with the fragmentation of its base. Yesterday, in 5 northern regions (Piedmont, Lombardy, Valle d'Aosta, Trentino and Emilia Romagna), the shops remained open and many defections were also recorded in Tuscany.
At the ministry, after a scant hour of confrontation, Livia Turco and Siri agree on a new route. The idea is to strengthen and expand the role of "oversight" of the National Health Service of Italian pharmacies, which will be able to become centers for education in the use of drugs, will be equipped with new equipment such as defibrillators, and will be assigned new services , from the coordination of home care on the territory to the booking of clinical and specialist tests. "I am very happy with Federfarma's decision to call off the strike, especially considering the interests of our citizens" comments Livia Turco at the end of the meeting. "Thanks to the application of the provision of the Bersani decree - he explains - it will be possible to enhance the role of the pharmacy". The renewal of the agreement with the Regions which has expired for eight years and the practical drafting of the implementing decrees of the reform will be decisive. Siri is also satisfied which, from his point of view, brings home an important result: the reconfirmation that