As if the bitterness for the electoral result weren't enough, now the «Maalox» case is also breaking out in the 5 Star Movement. At the end of the video posted two days ago on his blog, Beppe Grillo announced with his usual irony: «Don't worry, come on, vin… vinciam… They win. They win, but it's wonderful all the same. Meanwhile, I'll take a Maalox, you never know. Casaleggio, there's maalox for you too, come here». In the video, the Genoese comedian is holding a blister in his hand, then quickly seems to put a tablet in his mouth. The metaphor gets the desired effect. After all, self-irony has always been one of Grillo's weapons.
In the post there is a link to the "Maalox" page of Wikipedia (some on the Net report that at the beginning the link was to the site of the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug). And that's exactly what sparked the controversy. Grillo is accused of advertising Sanofi. Precisely he who has often railed against the empire of the big health companies. «Grillo links the maalox site, peppe is a friend of bigpharma!!!» writes a citizen on Twitter. There are those who protest and see a drawing behind the comedian's words: «But what kind of publicity was it for Maalox? Nothing happens by chance." Someone asks the comedian directly: «Hidden advertising or something else? Who profits from the joke about Maalox (Sanofi pharmaceutical)?».
There are also those who do counter-advertising: «The gaviscon is preferable». The deputy of the Pd Giuditta Pini attacks: «Beppe Grillo but the link to the official page of the maalox is because you are free from the pharmaceutical lobbies, right?».
There are also ironic notes. «Grillo launches the new anthem: “Meno Maalox che Beppe c'è” chirped a Twitter subscriber recalling the song created for Berlusconi, «Meno male che Silvio c'è». Someone else calls out: «And deliver us from the Maalox». While the showman Luca Bizzarri specifies: «In any case, we professionals prefer Maalox in syrup». There are also those who note: «Maalox tempora currunt» and those who venture: «L'Impero del Maalox». Even those who specify (evidently a scientific informant of the drug): «It's easy to say Maalox: which one? Maalox reflux, Maalox plus…in any case it is a Sanofi Aventis solution».
One of the slogans launched by the comedian has also been revised in an ironic key. "Honesty will be fashionable" becomes "Maalox will be fashionable". There are those who warn: "From the pharmacies around the villa in Marina di Bibbona (that of Grillo, ed): Maalox sold out". Someone points out: «There is a surreal calm on Twitter tonight. The M5S trolls must be around pharmacies looking for Maalox». There is also some for the deputy director of the daily Il Fatto: «Travaglio, Grillo's tissue. Labor, I had saved up some Maalox, do you want some?». There are those who raise the alarm: «Civil protection alerted: convoys loaded with maalox ready to leave for Genoa».
Maurizio Gasparri (Fi) goes down hard: «Who has gained from these elections? Grillo, in the literal sense of the term. While his followers continue to lick their wounds, the disappointment for the lack of triumph is so burning, he is the only one who, with a ploy like a true web guru, has managed to cash in on the defeat, collecting income through Maalox advertising. Whether he did it directly or through some other IT giant remains to be seen. The fact is that the link to the manufacturer of the well-known drug has disappeared from his blog due to the protest of internet users. What a fool. Well-known anti-lobbyist caught red-handed. Next commercial: insulin for everyone. As long as it's not free."
The Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, also spoke about Maalox, who begins with a joke in a video on Youtube: «I'm not taking Maalox today. And, as a minister, I wish everyone good health."
For its part, the pharmaceutical company Sanofi lets it be known that it liked the metaphor of the Genoese comedian but is also keen to clarify that the group is "unrelated to the controversies and Grillo's choice to name Maalox".
But it is not the first time that the popular drug has been brought up in a context other than the health care one. Ligabue referred to us, in the song "Between stage and reality": "And then we have cases of maalox to comb our stomachs" says the text written by the Emilian singer. But in this case there was no controversy. After all, as we know, it is almost always politicians who have, and often cause, stomach pains.
Albert DiMajo
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May 28, 2014 – THE WEATHER.it